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Nanoparticle Analysis Services

Delaware Flow NanoCytometer®
Multiparametric analysis of exosomes,
extracellular vesicles, other nanoparticles
—and even cells.

We can help you advance your research by
characterizing exosomes, EVs, LNPs, VLPs,
bacteria, and other nanoparticles in your samples.

The Delaware Flow NanoCytometer® offers:

  • Up to five high-powered excitation lasers
    (375, 405, 488, 561, and 642 nm)
  • Optics optimized for maximal fluorescence sensitivity
  • 3 scattering channels gives superior size sensitivity and resolution
    • Up to 68-nm sensitivity on liposomes
    • 6-nm resolution
  • Up to 6 fluorescence detection channels allows for advanced
    multiparameter analysis of EV membrane expression and cargo

We offer comprehensive services to meet your research needs with precision and expertise.

Our Process

  • Send Us Your Samples: Simply send us your samples and stains, and our team will take care of the rest.
  • Measure and Analyze: We run your samples and analyze the data.
  • Receive Detailed Analysis: You will receive a comprehensive report detailing our findings.

Sample Handling Expertise

  • A Variety of Sample Types: Culture medium, plasma, and urine, or purified EV preps.
  • Advanced Technology: Our proprietary Delaware technology gives you the most advanced flow-based EV analysis available.
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